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About Transformation acupuncture


              There are five branches in the Chinese medicine: acupuncture, food and dietetics, massage/ Tuina, herbal, and energetic exercise.  In school, we are taught the basic knowledge of all the branches, but I have chosen to learn in depth the fields of acupuncture, food and dietetics.  What people might not know is Chinese medicine also requires taking western medicine class; we are trained to spot medical emergencies so we can give the patient the proper care that the patient deserves.

               Established in 2016, with the goal of empowering patients with the knowledge of their body. We take time during the treatments to take time to explain the thought processes and the treatment protocols. During the treatment, we take your blood pressure, let you know if it is high or low and indications, or raise other concerns according to Western Medicine perspective. than we will take your pulse, tongue, address your concerns with the Chinese Medicine disciplines. 

               Chinese Medicine is more of applied science, not a craft, if you get a correct diagnosis to a condition, don't assume you can apply the protocols always on every patients and get the same result. Our body is an ever changing, so we have to evaluate on every treatment.


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